咨询实习生-医疗团队 100-150/天
发布于 7月22日
Role Overview: Consulting Interns join our Beijing office or remote for at least 3 months (at least 4 days/week),usually in the summer or winter, to work in teams and directly with our clients. Responsibilities and Outcomes (What do I achieve?): 1. Work on a case team with three to five other consultants, taking charge of a distinct aspect of the project 2. Interview clients customers, competitors, suppliers and employers—work that will become the basis of the case teams strategic recommendations 3. Own and identify information sources, gather and interpret data, and execute analysis to translate into meaningful insights 4. Present your findings to case team members and client stakeholders Essential Qualifications: 1. Advanced graduate degree in progress and excellent academic record required 2. Exceptional analytical and quantitative problem-solving skills 3. Fluency in both spoken and written English is mandatory
北京市/北京市/朝阳区 北京安贞环宇荟
益普索 - 人力资源主管

杨先生 - 人力资源主管

匹配度分析 立即分析

三个月内共 87 位应聘者投递了该职位,您的简历与该职位的匹配度为:323

益普索集团益普索集团成立于1975年,总部设在巴黎,是国际领先的个案研究集团。益普索集团全球 88个国家拥有下属公司,全球专职人员超过16450人,业务广泛涉及到各主要研究活动领域。益普索(中国)益普索(中国)―― 中国规模较大的个案研究公司之一。中国是一个蓬勃发展、生机盎然的市场,是益普索集团战略发展的重点之一。益普索于2000年进入中国,目前已经成长为中国最具规模的个案研究公司之一。益普索在中国拥有专业人员2000余名,在北京、上海、广州、深圳和成都均设有分公司。益普索在中国遵循集团统一的战略-专注于特定的研究领域。在中国,益普索专注于营销研究、广告研究、满意度和忠诚度研究、公众事务研究等四大领域的市场研究服务。我们共享集团全球范围的先进研究方法、技术支持、培训及数据采集网络;我们拥有各个研究领域的研究专家,不仅需要他们具备国际视野,同时要求他们对于中国市场和商业机构有深入了解。“全球资源与本地专家相结合”使我们能够提供最高质量的服务。我们不仅服务于国际性的客户,并努力帮助中国企业更深入地了解客户,取得更大的成功。Ipsos GroupSince its founding in 1975, the Ipsos Group has grown into the leading survey-based company in the world. The Ipsos Group, with its headquarters in Paris, has established branches in 88 countries covering 5 continents and also provides a complete list of major research services for companies in over 100 countries.Ipsos ChinaIpsos China is one of the largest survey-based market research companies in China! China, a market full of life and vitality, is one of the key strategic targets of Ipsos group. Since its founding in 2000, Ipsos China has become one of the largest survey-based market research companies in China! Ipsos China now has over 2000 full-time professionals in our offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Chengdu.Ipsos China follows the group strategy ?specializations. In China, Ipsos specializes in marketing, advertising, satisfaction loyalty research and public affairs research. As a branch of the Ipsos group, Ipsos China shares the same advanced research methods, technical support, training systems and data collection networks within the group around the globe. We choose our researchers both for their international vision as well as their detailed experience of the local market and business sectors. "International resources and local expertise" enables us to offer the highest quality of service, not only to our international clients, but also to domestic businesses in China looking to expand their client base and accelerate their success.
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