民企 20人以下
民企 | 20人以下 |



上海众华沪银会计师事务所有限公司成立于1985年9月,是中国恢复注册会计师行业后第一批成立的会计师事务所之一,发展至今,汇集了近350名优秀的专业人才,积累了大量的优质客户,成为了一家在国内外享有良好声誉的会计师事务所。20多年来,本所始终不渝地坚持“专业创造价值,诚信实现共赢”,始终不渝地坚持市场化的发展方向,用我们的专业和服务取得了客户的信任和支持,用我们的诚信和敬业赢得了市场的认可和荣誉。众华沪银会计师事务所执行每项任务的态度及方针都经过策划,使工作的执行过程和结果具有高度专业水平。我们奉守独立、客观、公正原则,客观思考既有事实,运用专业知识和技能,出具鉴证报告,保护投资者利益,履行对社会公众的责任。众华沪银会计师事务所具备完整的各类审计相关资质:财政部和中国证监会批准的执行证券、期货相关业务审计资格、财政部和中国人民银行批准的从事金融审计相关业务资格、中国注册会计师协会核准的承担大型国有企业审计资格、高级法院核准的司法审计资质、并已在美国PCAOB注册,具有为美国证券市场的上市公司提供审计服务的资格。随着业务发展的需求,现面向社会诚募人才。Shanghai Zhonghua, founded in 1985, was one of the first established CPA firms after China's Reform and Opening and has been a famous CPA firm with high reputation in both domestic and overseas market.Today we have more than serving 350 staff, including over 110 CPAs, provide full spectrum of professional services in assurance, business risk, corporate finance, forensic, recovery reorganization and tax that meet high standards requirement. Since our establishment, we stick to conducting each activity by elaborate plan and strict performance to ensure highest quality service providing to our clients. We are conversant with accounting standards, tax and investment regulations prevailing in China, Hong Kong, and other major foreign countries.
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