资金管理实习生 150/天
发布于 5月9日
Mission Description: Treasurery management, Analyse the cash collection per branch / area in real time. Key Responsibilities: - Automatize the AR reconciliation by identifying each transaction IN and reconcile with opened AR to reduce as much as possible the manual allocation of the AR. Target: 95% of the Payment IN to be automatically identified. - Once bank reconciliation is done, automatize the allocation of cash collection to each branch. Correspondance table to be build from legal entity receiving payment to analytic branch area which is actually operating. - List all opened AR in books per branch to build cash collection forecasts, based on the Invoice date, the contractual term of payment, the usual practise of the client's payment (payment on fix date example: every month on 25th or every wednesday). Output: - Generate Cash collection & reconciliation reports automatically. Detailed for branch/area, summary per area for HQ - Preparing ageing balance report per client - Prepare automatically letter from Finance for pushing at D+7 past due date - Prepare automatically letter from Legal for pushing at D+21 past due date. Key Skills and Competencies: - Finance or data management major - Personally: tough , doers , efficient, open minded , agile
上海市/上海市/徐汇区 现代大厦A座